Device Type: mobile


A provider of IT data solution consulting and service.


Jinmu is a provider of IT data solution consulting and service, committed to providing users with quality information products, consulting, and services, a key partner of Akamai, Vonage China, a key partner of MongoDB North Asia. 


In order to match the business of our customers in China, we have developed a communication platform (JMC) that is interfaced with Vonage by means of API, and currently has the function of sending and receiving SMS. The audio and video services have been technically verified and the overall functional modules are under development.


Use Cases

A domestic e-commerce industry customer, during Black Friday 2021, pre-warmed the campaign a week in advance, sending nearly one million messages through JMC every day. We are also actively working with the customer to add audio and video as well as social media marketing to their business, and are continuously conducting PoC validation.

Core value 

  • Reliable products 
  • Competence center 
  • Standard specification
  • Professional service 

Services and Highlights

  • Service guaranteed in contract
  • Project weekly report
  • Quarterly review meeting
  • Products communication meeting 
  • Technical trainings
  • Marketing activities
  • Professional certified engineers of MongoDB, Akamai and Vonage
  • Business cover mainland China and Hongkong with 50+ customers in Finance, Insurance, Securities, Games, e-commerce and other industries
  • Research and develop own products since Y2020
  • Provide technical trainings to enterprise customers