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Colleagues can connect with one another in real-time directly within the context of their work. ConceptBoard's online workspace and collaboration tool replicates a natural communication flow for remote and on-site workers with the Vonage Video API.

People working from desks and collaborating

Vonage Solutions and Features

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Providing clear communication tools between teams that are flexible, remotely distributed and global.


The Vonage Video API


Colleagues can connect with one another in real time directly within the context of their work. The online workspace and collaboration tool replicates a natural communication flow for remote and onsite workers alike.

In the past decade, technology innovation has been one of the main catalysts for change in the way that we work. Tools like email, chat apps, Slack, productivity and task management systems are making it easier than ever to stay connected (and focused) outside of the office – whether you’re at home, a coffee shop, or in a plane, train or automobile.

According to an estimate by Global Workplace Analytics, the number of regular work-at-home employees has grown by 140% since 2005, nearly 10x faster than the rest of the workforce or the self-employed. 4.3 million employees (3.2% of the workforce) work from home at least half the time. From 2015-2016, the telecommuter population grew by 11.7%, the largest year-over-year growth since 2008. And these numbers have only increased since the latest report was published.

The Challenges of Remote Work

Despite this newfound freedom, it isn’t all cupcakes and roses for remote workers. Yes, they don’t have to waste precious time commuting or need to wear a tie every day, but there’s also no proverbial water dispenser to hang around with colleagues. The biggest challenge companies face today is achieving clear communication between teams that are increasingly flexible, remotely distributed and global.

You may be wondering, doesn’t video conferencing solve this problem? Yes and no. Yes, it enables colleagues to connect easily, but within a silo. The future of remote workforce technology lies in collaborative tools that integrate video or voice conferencing directly within their application. That means colleagues can communicate in context – whether they are working on a presentation together, evaluating the latest sales pipeline or conducting their daily scrum meeting.

Enter ConceptBoard

ConceptBoard offers an online workspace and collaboration tool that enables colleagues to connect with one another in real-time through Vonage-powered video and voice, directly within the context of their work. This enhancement replicates a more natural work and communication flow.

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