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Customer support text messages

Enable your mobile customers to open support tickets and engage customer service via SMS.

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Don’t make your customers wait on hold

Empower your customers to access support without them having to call and wait on hold. Improve customer satisfaction by enabling them to create tickets and interact with you via SMS.

Resolve issues faster

SMS provides a direct, frictionless channel for engaging customer support. And, because recipients engage via SMS faster and at higher rates than any other messaging channel, your responses are seen and acted upon more quickly.

Support customers on the move

SMS makes sure that your customers can engage support directly, no matter where they are, even if they don’t have a mobile support app on their phone.

How customer support text messages work

Number sign

1. Publish a number for SMS customer service

Publish a shortcode or virtual number for customer service. The number could be the same as your voice number for support.
Person with 3 magnifying glasses.

2. Customers send support requests

Your customers send a text message with a brief description of their issue to your support number.
Chatbot wearing a headset.

3. Create a service ticket

Your application or bot creates a service ticket automatically using your customer service application.
Pictogram of a chain link suggesting integration

4. Associate the customer’s number with the ticket

Your application assigns an agent and links the customer’s phone number with the ticket. If the customer calls in, the customer service agent will have the context to hand.
Pictogram of a headset with a line indicating call tagging.

5. Acknowledge your customer’s query

Your application acknowledges the inbound message by replying with a case number, a link to relevant self-help knowledge and an estimated response time from the assigned agent.

6. Your service agent follows up

The agent assigned to the ticket begins a text conversation with the customer to resolve the issue. If the customer calls, the conversation continues via voice, preserving the context of the discussion.

Programmable elements used in this solution

Why choose Vonage API's for customer support text messages?

Create a local support presence

We have local numbers available in 85 countries, so you can create a support presence that is local in all the places where you do business. You can provision local numbers instantly via the Vonage APIs dashboard or our Management APIs.

Number pool management

You can manage your local number pools to make sure that each customer consistently receives notifications from a recognisable local number.

Low-latency, high-deliverability SMS

Vonage APIs can send text messages to any SMS-capable device faster and more reliably than any other provider. Our patented adaptive routing and compliance engine mechanisms guarantee optimal delivery to customers in any location.

Gain insights

You can track delivery of outbound messages, gain insights into the number of messages required to resolve issues and more from the Vonage APIs dashboard or our Management APIs.

Offer voice support on the same number

Using our Vonage Voice API, you can offer voice support using the same number used for SMS. If your customers decide to call, you can greet them with a simple IVR and route them to the appropriate agent who will have the context of the call to hand.

Related programmable solutions

Simple IVR Add a simple Interactive Voice Response (IVR) script to your existing applications.
Private SMS Communication Connect your users via text message privately.
Call Tracking Track call metadata for lead generation and marketing campaigns.

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Screen grab of the API Developer Center showing code that can be copied for use.
Deskphone with Vonage logo

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